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Travel to the Western United States

In no time I’m going to go up with my sister to a plane with destination … Los Angeles. It was always a destination that caught my attention especially, and more after I traveled around the world on my return to the world, leaving the west with only a few days traveled thanks to my aunt Luisi. With much desire to photograph the great canyon of colorado, Antelope Canyon, the Yosemite Natural Park among other things besides attending the wedding of my cousin Marisa we are ready to cross the Atlantic Ocean and start an adventure that I hope will be profitable as much for me as for my sister and as for you. XD

We will be about a month and began to organize this trip two months ago and we realized that preparing a trip to the United States is a work. Let’s see, you can actually go on the adventure (as I like it) and simply fulfill a couple of bureaucratic tasks, but if you like to travel to different areas, for a long time and also, you want to travel backpacking … You will have to work it out a bit.
With this article I will tell you about the areas I will go to and what ideas I have for photographs and different adventures.




Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco

Natural Parks

Joshua, Colorado Canyon, Antelope Canyon, Monument Valley, Bryce Canyon, Archs, Zion Natural park, Yosemite…

The Route

As you can see, this route is the one we will use on the West Coast and as you can see it is very complete. trying to make the famous Route 66 by car and we will also try to visit the northern part of the Grand Canyon by touring the skywalk and its famous glass walkway.

Jordi Romo in Antilope canyon

The Article

Another adventure to try to discover with the highest image quality these lands so extensive and with such beauty.


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